high sensitivy troponin I vs tropoin in six hours, if negative then 6 hours then again 12 hours. ldl cholesterol dont need to fast. fbc for hb and infections. 12 lead ecg. previous ecg. how to suspect posterior ectension?

morphine 2.5mg and 5mg. also 1.25mg. acute dystonia side effect for metoclopromide. too much oxygen can cause vasoconstriction.
50% reduction of ST elevation not 15%. door to wire time 120 mins (dif) vs 60 (same hospital) mins. 30 mins vs 20 mins. strep success rate is 50% but tenec is 70%. orimary pci is 99.9% coz wire cant gp through calcified

tenecteplase syringe? rescue pci vs primary pci?
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