no viral utis but others? colonization just like commensal not inlfmmamtory
Dif between uti and bacteriuria is that in uti there is inlammation, not just bacteria as just baceria can be harmless commensal bacteria

Acute pyelonephritis is a clinical diagnosis but UTI isnt!!
Only need ultrasound in acute pyelonephritis to check complications and progress

chronic pyelonephritis ⇒ there is no active inlflammation. just shrunken thing

not another bacteria and no evidene of 14 day free from bacteriura

Nosocomial, health acare associated, hospital acquired
ESBL - e coli 80% of out patient and 50% hospital acquired. But that 50% is ESBL ones.
Extended Spectrum Beta-Lactamases (ESBLs) are enzymes produced by bacteria such as Escherichia coli (E.coli) and Klebsiella

RTIS are most common infections but since its viral cant say most common bacterial infection

lack of estroge after menapuse causing normal function to lower

Renal papilary necroses and fals off and gets infected

usually abcess is more than one

Elderly patient who is confused ⇒ delirum ⇒ consider DDs for delieruim ⇒ and one of it is sepsis ⇒ UTI. So dont wait for the fever to come. Do investigation as delieruim (confusion) is high mortality.

STI is a whole another category.

Must know how to collect sample 1. intructions to give patient to collect urine sample 2 procedure to collect sample 3 handling, storage and analsysis
Must also know how to collect a sample from a catheter
Also pead stuff how to do a clean catch and instruct mothers to collect samples

UFR is not diagosituc but urine cuture is gold standard biochemical diagnostic for UTI unlike acute pyelo which is a clinical diagnosis

Serum creatine should be normal unless kidney disease

Sometimes the treatmwnt or treatment cost justifies the investigation and investigation cost

Anti fungal regimes for uti ??? Antifungal regimes? sstemic for immunosupreesant thing

all the absic guidelines on rational use of antibiotics appl here
For renal ⇒ antibitoic that has the most penetration
For ulower urinary ⇒ antibiotic that accumulates in the urine
Lower urinary tract symptoms ⇒ complete breakdown

Antiobitoics in pregancy and renal failure and allergy

Imaging not to diagnose pyelonephritis but to diagnose obstruction that needs relieving by urology PCN or stenting

girls espeically want to hold the bladder and will drink less to pee less

Not a big role for prophylacsis for recurrent utis because leads to resistance

before and after sex + clean + avoid spermicides

UTI and even ear infections common

how to do clean catch??


Appraoch to LUTS case ?????
Incontinence case?????


Retention vs incontinence?
Tpes of bladder? Autonomous and neurogentic and normal and how to treat each?