IBD associated arthritis
8% have positive HLA even without the diseases
prototpe disease is AS
Male preponderance to AS
other inflammatory have female preponderance
buttock pain => sacroiliac joint involved
buttock pain in the morning
kidney because of chronic inlfaamtion
Clinical featurs menomic
question mark posture story
arthritis mitlans characteristics feature of PA
Nail changes list
not discuss about IBD arthrtisi not as common
axial or periperal spondyarthopathy classification for dianostic
signifciant muscle spasm can cause postiive shobers test
Sacroiliac join tests
each joint has tests which can be done to test where the fault lies!!!
ankylosing and psoitatic most common
reactive tenosynovitis
X ray sacroiliac joint
ireegularities can become ultimate fusion
dagger spine bamboo spine
line running acorss dagger spine
sacroiliatis going on in the joint => mri shows white
=> adds a point to the diagnostic criteria for that patient
HLA b27 done in the narhentipitya blood bank
steroids dont have much affect on axial arthritis
exercises done to imporve the extension of the spine
treagus to wall is the same as Occiput to wall test
rhematoid factor negative => consider HLAb27 if treatment is gonna be expensive
as i that case the investiagtion is worth because treatment is expsnive
Theres a playstore app for all these rhematolgoical conditions
night pain mechanical backpain musnt be confused with inflammatory backpain
Cervical spondyloisis is the commonest cause of neck pain in RA
night pain in AS = dunno why?
whoe diseases coming under this umbrella but the prototype is spondylising a
important to rule out whether inflammatory backache by asking the five questions
juuxta articular vs peri articulatar
the pathophysiology of extra articular joints => like HLAb27 may have other associations to genes involved in connective tissue function.
even can ask for family hisory of psoriasis which can point to psorarstic arthritis
even in pts without skin lesions
ESR cannot be used for ra and oa use history instead
iritis vs uveitis
cervical spondyloisosi is degenrative..
do not confuse with ankylosing spondyloisis which is inflaamtory