Rapid Tranquillization and the restless patient

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Rapid Tranquillisation
‘Rapid tranquillisation’ refers to the use of medi-cation to calm highly agitated individuals experi-encing mental disorder who have not responded to non-pharmacological approaches. Commonly it is the initial stage in the treatment of severe and enduring illness.
It is commonly the initial stage in the treatment of a first or recurrent episode of severe mental illness, and is followed by treatment to reduce other symptoms, leading to remission and prevention of relapse.
The disorders involved are usually affective disorders or schizophrenia (Pilowsky 1992), often complicated by substance misuse and personality disorder. Agitation and arousal can lead to aggression and violence
Learning objectives
Recognise the role of brain transmitter path-ways leading to arousal and to agitation Be aware of mechanisms of action of benzodia-zepines, antipsychotics and antihistamines and distinguishing sedation from calming effects Know the recommendations of NICE guidelines for rapid tranquillisation and the findings of the national POMH-UK audit and be able to con-tribute to local policies
Aims of Rapid tranquillisation
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A traditional way of coping with the violence of the mentally ill was by physical restraint. early 19th century in England, came the demonstration that calm, friendly concern for the individual and simple psychological management made much of restraint unnecessary. With the advent of drug treatments, bromides, chloral, hyoscine, paraldehyde, morphine, and later barbiturates, became the compellers of peace, in effect, by heavy sedation, or partial anaesthetisation or in some cases by inducing a toxic-confusional state (Shorter 1997).
Current services
Modern psychotropics with more subtle effects calm without necessarily making the person unconscious or even unduly drowsy, and psychological handling remains an important component of management (McLaren 1990). Since 1985, many in-patient services have created psychiatric intensive care units (PICUs) the PICUs have found it increasingly necessary to use restraint and seclusion once again. The timely use of effective tranquillisation should reduce this: PRN medication should be used to de-escalate or prevent agitation
Neurochemical pathways in arousal and agitation
The most common neurotransmitters in the brain glutamate (excitatory) gamma-aminobu-tyric acid (GABA) (inhibitory). These are very widely distributed There are small sets of neurons utilising other transmitters -noradrenaline(NA), dopamine (D), histamine (H), acetylcholine (ACh) and serotonin or5-hydroxytryptamine (5-HT). Other transmitters known to be involved in arousal are orexin (which is blocked by the drug suvorexant) adenosine (which is blocked by caffeine)
Wakening -a signal from the serotonergic suprachiasmatic nucleus (‘the biological clock’) activates orexin neurons in the hypothalamus, which cause firing of sets of histamine neurons (in the tuberomamillary nucleus), nor adrenaline neurons (including those of the nucleus locus ceruleus) and acetylcholine neurons of the pontine reticular formation. This corresponds to the awake, alert or aroused state
A more frontal acetylcholine pathway from the nucleus basalis of Meynert to the cerebral cortex is involved in attention, concentration and memory
By contrast, the deep sleeping state (slow wave sleep) involves diminished release of orexin, histamine, noradrenaline and acetylcholine. Rapid eye movement (REM) sleep (dreaming) involves activation of nicotinic acetylcholine receptors via the pontine reticular formation
Another feature of arousal is activation of dopamine neurons, which have the role of drawing attention to significant sensations or experiences, causing alertness (Schultz 1997) and signalling motivational salience, which may be incentive or aversive.
Anxiety and agitation are commonly attributed to excessive arousal through increased noradrenergic and reduced serotonergic function.
It has been found that dopamine release in basal ganglia regions is increased in first-episode patients with psychotic mania as well as in those with schizophrenia.
Assessing the patient
know the patient’s medication history and whether agitation is occurring in the context of physical illness, mania, paranoid psychosis, delirium or drug intoxication. to read previous notes and listen to what the patient says: this may sometimes be strongly personalised and threatening but nonetheless revealing. An electro-cardiogram (ECG) is a prudent investigation for all psychiatric admissions, or a note of its refusal.
Drug treatment in Rapid tranquillisation
If violent or disturbed behaviour continues or is threatened, it may need to be controlled rapidly. The aim of rapid tranquillisation is to calm or sedate the patient sufficiently to minimise the risk posed to the patient and to others. Sometimes it addresses also the underlying illness, particularly mania, which can improve with non-sedative antipsychotics within minutes or hours . Improvement in agitation can be seen much sooner.breakdown benzo 8 egs MOA effects Routes IM haloperidol side effects 2 combination sudden death BNF recommendations for halo 3 other IM 2 other anticholinergics anti histamines others 2 TREC
Classes of drugs
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Neurochemical basis of drug treatments for agitation
Glutamate transmission has not yet proved an effective target in rapid tranquillisation, although ketamine, which blocks N-methyl-D-aspartate-sensitive glutamate receptors (NMDAR), is a general anaesthetic agent and has a rapid effect, reducing suicidal ideation and improving mood in severe depression within 1 h, which midazolam does not The locus ceruleus projects to the medial septal area and cortex through alpha-1 and beta receptors to cause arousal (Berridge 2012). Noradrenergic alpha-1 receptors are of three subtypes, alpha-1B being involved in the central nervous system.
In the human iris, alpha-1 re-ceptors are blocked by therapeutic doses of haloperi-dol (Szabadi 1981). This action could contribute to the beneficial effects of haloperidol, zuclo-penthixol, olanzapine and chlorpromazine – seda-tive antipsychotics. Table 2 shows the relative potencies of antipsy-chotics and promethazine in blocking receptors and in causing QT prolongation by blocking the IKr cardiac potassium channels also known as hERG channels (see ‘Antipsychotics, cardiac con-duction and sudden death’ below). To reduce agitation further it is it is necessary to address the underlying condition (e.g. schizophre-nia, mania) by reducing dopamine function.
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Benzodiazepines 8
If there is uncertainty about the diagnosis, it may be desirable to use benzodiazepines initially and to avoid the use of antipsychotic drugs; this would apply with catatonia where neuroleptic malignant syndrome is a particular risk (Sienaert 2014). Table 3 shows the different potencies, rates of absorption and onset, and duration of action. For oral use diazepam or clonazepam may be given, and for intramuscular use lorazepam.
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major tranquillisers The effects occur within minutes of drug delivery and generally more quickly with parenteral than oral routes. Antipsychotics available for intramuscular use in the UK are haloperidol, olanzapine, aripiprazole and chlorpromazine. It lacks anti-histaminergic and anticholinergic activity, but blocks noradrenergic alpha-1 receptors. The side-effects of haloperidol are particularly the extrapyramidal ones – Parkinsonism, dystonia and akathisia. A Cochrane review on the drug states that ‘Where additional drugs are available, sole use of haloperidol for extreme emergency could be considered unethical’ It is therefore advisable to consider administering an anticholinergic drug together with haloperidol to prevent dystonia. In the treatment of schizophrenia
Combined antipsychotic and benzodiazepine
This combination engages different mechanisms of action in the expectation of mutual augmentation while avoiding complications from higher doses of antipsychotics.
Antipsychotics, cardiac conduction and sudden death
Several factors contribute ability of drugs to enter the potassium channels that open during the cardiac action potential (the IKr or hERG channel: Box 2); this delays repolarisation, leading to prolongation of the QT interval, a factor predisposing to ventricular tachycardia (torsades de pointes) and hence to ven-tricular fibrillation and death.
Prolongation of the QT interval is thus a surrogate marker for drug-related cardiotoxicity, albeit a weak one. Interpretation of the QT interval is difficult if the pulse rate is increased haloperidol has attracted most concern, because it has been used in high doses parenterally for rapid tranquillisation
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Changes in BNF recommendation for haloperidol
From 1988 to 2000, the British National Formulary (BNF) recommended a maximum haloperidol intra-muscular dose of 30 mg followed by 5 mg up to every hour. However, nurses would not want to enter a seclusion room every hour. Over the past 30 years there have been dramatic changes in the advised doses of haloperidol – most notably since 2000 (Table 5). These changes reflect concerns about potential cardiac side-effects of the drug (in high doses) as well as a lack of evidence for greater efficacy with higher doses in the control of symp-toms of schizophrenia. There is now a requirement for an ECG in any patient before administration of haloperidol. Intravenous use of haloperidol is no longer licensed or recommended, owing to a greater adverse effect on cardiac conduction.
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suggesting that at doses up to 15 mg/day the change in QTc with haloperidol was no greater than with placebo. The International Conference on Harmonisationa (ICH) stated that ‘drugs that prolong the mean QT/ QTc interval by >20 ms have a substantially increased likelihood of being proarrhythmic’
Other antipsychotics
Zuclopenthixol is more sedative than haloperidol and does not prolong the QT interval effect lasting for about 3 days. The onset of action takes 2–8 h. Maximum serum concentrations of zuclopenthixol are usually reached 36 h after an injection, so that side-effects may be delayed. With up to four doses, zuclopenthixol acetate may maintain improvement for 2 weeks. With the final dose, the longer-acting zuclo-penthixol decanoate may also be given. It has a dur-ation of 1–2 weeks and peak plasma concentrations are usually reached between 4 and 7 days after injection.
a sedative antipsychotic may be given orally as tablet or syrup. may also be given by intramuscular injection can cause local pain, acute hypotension and occasionally a painful sterile abscess. has a higher risk of inducing seizures. For these reasons chlorpromazine should not be the first-line treatment, and some authorities avoid its use.
Newer antipsychotics for IM use
Olanzapine 10 mg is as effective in reducing agita-tion in schizophrenia as 7.5 mg haloperidol over the course of 2 h, although a benefit is seen within 15 min with olanzapine and within 30 min with haloperidol (Wright 2001). Also effective in reducing agitation in mania over 2 h The manu-facturer Lilly stopped promoting its intramuscular use in the UK and it is no longer in the BNF – its use is now off-licence.
It should not be administered simultaneously with benzodiazepines (Lilly 2018).
Aripiprazole given intramuscularly improves mod-erately severe agitation in schizophrenia over 2 h.
by nasal inhalation Inhaled loxapine 5–10 mg pro-duces significant improvement in agitated patients with schizophrenia or mania, from 10 min.ANTICHOLINERGICS
Today, anticholinergics are used only to counteract extra-pyramidal (Parkinsonian) side-effects. Procyclidine and, to a greater extent, benzhexol have stimulant properties.
During the 1940s the pharmaceutical industry developed drugs that block histamine; they were used for allergic conditions, but had sedative side-effects and were tried in psychiatric patients The French anaesthetist and explorer Henri Laborit included promethazine with pethidine and other agents in what he called a ‘lytic cocktail’ to assist in anaesthesia.
Delay and Deniker were impressed by the difference between chlorpromazine and antihistamines for calming schizophrenia and mania. Histamine was established as a central neuro-transmitter in 1984
TREC studies
The Tranquilização Rápida-Ensaio Clínico (rapid tranquillisation clinical trial, TREC) These compared the use of promethazine (25 or 50 mg) in combination with haloperidol (5 or 10 mg) with four different comparators (midazolam, lorazepam, haloperidol alone and olanzapine). The combination was being used as a cheap alternative to lorazepam and to atypical antipsychotics.
They demonstrated the relative safety of the com-bination, with a low incidence of extrapyramidal side-effects, but the speed of tranquillisation (number calmed or asleep within 30
Other sedatives
The barbiturate amobarbital sodium (sodium amy-lobarbitone, sodium amytal) (250 mg) given intramuscularly as an adjunct to sedative antipsy-chotics and benzodiazepines can be very effective for sedation. min) was less than with midazolam.
Other antimania drugs
Valproate is recommended (usually in combination with antipsychotics) in guidelines as a first-line treat-ment for mania (Goodwin 2016)
Curiously, the sedative effect of the combination was more apparent in India than in Brazil, perhaps because the higher dose of haloperidol was consistently used
GUIDELINES AND POLICIESentire process 3 modes  6 points of drugs site volume monitoring refuse Medication specific risk
CG 25 (7) NG10 (10)
CG25 (National Collaborating Centre for Nursing and Supportive Care 2005), has now been withdrawn and replaced with the second, NG10 (National Collaborating Centre for Mental Health 2015). However, the lessons from years of use and individual trials can be lost in the proces For rapid tran-quillisation many protocols recommend doses according to the BNF, and advice on what to do if these are to be exceeded.
previous NICE guidance: CG25
for those who are not psychotic, initially give lorazepam alone ( in those with psychosis, use a combination of an oral antipsychotic with lorazepam ( where oral medication is not possible, use combined intramuscular antipsychotic and benzodiazepine (e.g. haloperidol and lorazepam) ( CG25 also notes that: the intramuscular route is preferred over the intravenous route ( with intramuscular haloperidol, an antimuscari-nic drug such as procyclidine should be immedi-ately available and given intramuscularly or intravenously (
CG25 also notes that: there was deemed to be insufficient safety evi-dence for the use of intramuscular combined halo-peridol plus promethazine, or for the use of intramuscular midazolam (, although these could be used as alternatives ‘in very excep-tional circumstances’, as could intravenous ben-zodiazepines or haloperidol ( zuclopenthixol acetate injection may be consid-ered as an option, but is not recommended ( and is ‘not normally used (p.139).
Further considerations in CG25 It was recognised ( and that clinicians sometimes use medication for rapid tran-quillisation outside the limits indicated in the BNF However, it was advised that, where the regulatory authority or manufacturer warns of increased risk of fatality, medication should be used within the marketing authorisation.
Current NICE guidance: NG10
Limitations of NG10 However, in NG10 rapid tranquillisation refers only to the use of medication parenterally (8.4.7). The guidance refers to violence, but there is no consideration of the context in which it occurs and no mention of diagnosis. There is no reference to treatment of schizophre-nia, mania or delirium, although ‘staff should be trained to recognise them’ (1.5.5). Medications that are not mentioned at all include: diazepam, midazolam, clonazepam, chlorpromaz-ine, clopenthixol, aripiprazole, loxapine, anticholi-nergics, procyclidine, lithium and valproate (the last of which is so useful in acute psychotic mania both alone and as an adjunct to antipsychotics).
Recommendations on rapid tranquillisation in NG10
use either intramuscular lorazepam alone or intramuscular haloperidol with promethazine ( if there is no recent satisfactory ECG, avoid intra-muscular haloperidol with promethazine and use intramuscular lorazepam (, and if the response is partial consider a further dose ( if there is no response to intramuscular loraze-pam, consider intramuscular haloperidol with promethazine (, and if there is partial response consider a further dose (; this implies overruling the BNF advice on the need for an ECG if there is no response to intramuscular haloperi-dol with promethazine, consider intramuscular lorazepam if not already used ( if intramuscular lorazepam has already been used, arrange an urgent team meeting to review and seek a second opinion if needed (no sugges-tionsare offered of what the second opinion might advise).
NG10 also recommends that: a senior doctor should review all medication at least once a day ( the multidisciplinary team should review the pharmacological strategy at least once a week (details about this review are provided).
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>Ensure procyclidine injection is available. Antipsychotics may cause acute dystonic reaction.
>Ensure flumazenil injection is available to reverse effects of lorazepam injection.
> NICE guideline NG10 does not include the use of olanzapine IM injection as there is no UK product available, having been withdrawn from the UK market. However BAP 2018 stated that IM olanzapine is effective and therefore is included in the algorithm
> Promethazine has anticholinergic side effects such as dry mouth, blurred vision, urinary retention and constipation. Cognition can also be impaired particularly in patients with a diagnosis of dementia. It should therefore be used with caution in this patient group
> It should be noted that antipsychotics in RT are not used for their antipsychotic action as onset of the antipsychotic effect can take several weeks.
>If haloperidol is used when no ECG is available the prescriber should consider the risks and benefits of using this treatment and be able to justify their prescribing decision as this would be considered an ‘off-label use’
> Medicines for injection must not be mixed in the same syringe.
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> 1 If the patient refuses / declines monitoring ‘R’ for refusal should be endorsed on the chart. As a minimum respiration rate and level of consciousness using the “alert, voice, pain, unresponsive” (AVPU) system must be recorded. This would include patients held in seclusion
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Inject or take oral and then wait till he calms down before proceeding.
Otherwise have to use restraint to allow him to take.
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Bare in mind the DDs
Collateral information or history is important
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toxic dromes as in sympathetic, cholinergic and serotonergic signs
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Then specific treatment
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