Cervical spine radiology
MSK fractures and bone typical
MSK lists
Basic lecture

fracture = break in cortex of bone
avusion = usually in tendon attachment or ligamental attachment
D & H in paeds
"bone looks very osteopoenic recommend dexa"
pathological could be due to osteoporosis or metastases
different managemnt if intra or extra

subuxation vs dislocation (incompletely vs completely)

anatomical neck >> surgical neck
are intact = are congruent

"the Y view"
"orthogonal view" = 90 degrees

coracoid process is always anterior

head of the radius commonly fractured
medial epicondyle pops out

fluids around fat pads more likely for a fracture occuring

radius is more fatter here
scaphoid ten or 14 days later only can see fractures usually. cant miss coz avascular necrosis

scaphoid, capitate and hook of the hamate can get fractured quite commonly

blood is more dense effusion

makes sure nice smooth space between talus and tibia

"calcaneo-navicular collision"

sesmoid bones can be fractured too = little bones within tendons