atrophic vaginitis?

fractional curretage when every nook and corner is visuaised and bispy taken from every corner and is sent for HPE

they ask investigation of choice — not the next investigation!

OCPs reduce the risk because they have an overall progesteral effect..not oestrogen

screeing with tvs or EA and putting on ocps can be done if the woman doesnt want hysterectomy.

do not confuse with corpus cancer syndrome..even though associated with htn there is no causal link. Just a confounding factor

the last four are other cinical resentations and complaints
cachechic and oter tumour signs and symptoms less seen cause obese women anyways

mri is better at soft tissue differeinciation
ultra sound for inside the cavity,
and ct for ln involvement/

for cervial its lymphatic spread.
levels of staging ⇒ clinica staging, investigative staging, surgical staging and HPE staging?

In all gyne malignancies superficial inguinal lymohnode involved means it is always stage 4 except for vulval cancers

surgica lstagingvs radiological staging?
the lumphnode removal is a part of surgical staging and vice versa
surgical staging is how the diseasei is staged. Must open it up..if ascites take scites sample for ctyology and then if not then do a periotneal washing and take sample. And then explore every organ for tumour deposits. To stage it. if there's any deposits must resect it and send it for bisopyy

the Histopath peeps will find the histology and grade it and then describe everyhting and will do a hormone resceptor postivity status. If yes, then its a good prognositic factor just like in breast ca.

- radiological staging
- surgical staging
- histopath staging

the post operative therapy options depends on the final histopath staging report
Chemoradiotherapy is the combination of chemotherapy and radiotherapy to treat cancer. Synonyms include radiochemotherapy and chemoradiation. Chemoradiation can be concurrent or sequential. The chemotherapy component can be or include a radiosensitizing agent.

above reason is also why its AUB and also why it leads to globular shaped uterus (cause of myometrial hyperplasia around the adenomysois)


The above classification is outdated. Always take the latest cancer staging.