Is it the same as past section?
Low transverse is the normal LSCS.
T shape is whem a lpw transverse needed to be extended. J shape is tje shape sorta.
Prior vaginal delivery can be before after the past section it imcreases success
Can learn the details by putting it all
The success rate in caeefly selected cases of TOLAC is 70-80% and riskk of rupture in one. Prior lcsc transveese (which is the only scar that is not an absolute contraindication for TOLAC - even multiple of these scars is an absolute contraindications) is 1 in 200.
TtS countered by only offering ercs after 39 weeks...........
If you know the riskk factors and indication and contraindications etc then it becomes easier to answer questions on long case history what ti ask for etc to assess risk factors and any indications etc
That question is lioe a lomg case history taking question.
Sfar dehicience can easily progress into scar rupture so mudt take precautions
Scar tenderness in scar dehicience should br palpated deeper and bot the superficial abdomen incision
The whole goal of monitoring here id ti identify before uterine rupture actually takes place.
Baby us dead after uterine rupture within minutes because the baby is delivered even partly into thr abdomen and with that the Placenta gets detached as wrll
If uterin rupture first detect iy... Then jave ti do emergency laparotomy and repair it after taking the baby out via ceasrian. (most likely would be a dead baby) repair if uterine walls and if that cant di then hysterecrkmt

Trial of Labour

Management of a patient with a scarred uterus

Past section case