Link to fractures and disclocations in trauma lectures ⇒
Crash General fractures

Some of these cases are in neurology cases in medicine as in the neurology short case book!!!!
Introduction of fractures

Colles fracture

Smith's fracture

Barton's fracture

Fracture of the shafts of the forearm

Fracture shaft of the radius and ulna

Fracture of the neck of the radius

Fracture of the olecranon

Elbow dislocation

Fractures of the shaft of the humerus

Fracture of the surgical neck of the humerus

Fracture clavicle

Fracture scapula

Fracture of the scaphoid

Lunar and perilunar dislocations

MEtacarpal fracture

Bennett's fracture dislocation

Fracture of the phalanges

Mallet finger

Posterior dislocation of the hip

Fracture of the neck of the femur

Fracture of the shaft of femur

Supracondylar fractures of the femur

Condylar fracture of the femur

Fracture of the patella

Fracture of the tibial plateau

Fracture of the shaft of the tibia

Fracture of the neck of the fibula

Fractures of the ankle

Fractures of the talus

Fractures of the calcanuem

Midtarsal and tarso-metatarsal injuries

Fractures of the meta tarsal bones

Open (compound) fractures