Ideally speaking the term cardiomyopathy should only be used when its genetic or congenital not due to ischeamia or diabetis. In that case, must ssay "With LV thickness"

Restrictive might appear normal in echo but function is less
In all the LA is enlarged. Can use this to know whether its cardiomyopathy.
Dilated..at first can be compensatory and then thickened and then dilates and thins out
Ejected emboli can cause CVA, gangrene of limb and gut ischemia. And can present as such. These three presentations need to do a proper echo.
Holoystolic because MR
ECG might mimick LVH even though dont have
Confirmatory investigation is the biospy although echo can confirm 99% (but dont know whether cardiomyopathy or LVH due to ishemic). If LV is dilated, then must always investigate ishemic heart diseases causing LVH. (which is not cardiomyopathy). IF coronary is fine, then 1. myocarditis at one point at their life causing thickineing or real 2 cardiomyopahy. Use the term dilated cardiomyopathy properly. Ishaemic heart disease is the only correctable out of the three so investohate and correct
Ivabradin used instead of digoxin now. to control heart rate. Ivabradin only works in sinus rhytm. Then use digoxin, amiadoarone or beta blockers depending on the blood pressure. (in AF dont use ivaradrin, dont use proponolol in low blood pressure)
Anitcoagulation only used if evidence of clot and echo changes. New guidelines!
Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy ⇒ not dialated but contricted. Can be general or focused,
This is not due to hypertension, but inwantedly because trophic. Hypertenion LVH wont have muscle fiber disarray unlike in hypertrophic cardiomyopathy
why dynamic otflow onstrcution and usig this t DD from AS (HOCM vs AS)
LA enlargement ⇒ bi[hasic in V1 and M pattern in 2
Restrictive cardiomyopathy
Volume less but ejection fraction normal
DRVC = ARVC = arrythmiatic
In late stage can cause RVF signs
Arr RVC = RBBB in an epislon pattern!! Find out what this is.
Myocarditis = can be controlled i acute and subacte place for steroid, immmunosupressants etc but late stage only conservatively
PEricardial effusion shown by rim in echo
must take biospy to call it 100% dilated cardiomyopthy (because there shouldnt be a secondary cause except for congentinal and genetic disease except for muscle disease like duchenne) because pathology is the first. IF biospy caused tell myocarditis then cant be called cardiomyopathy. but myocarditis. Even MRI can determine both.