USS definitive diagnosis

twin to twin trasnfusioj sydrome

serial growth scans
wellbeing by biophysical

aneuploidy scan onl maternal age and mucous something

Neet pg

Twin pregnancy
Dochorionicity.. Diamniciity and dizygosity
Zygosity vs amniosity vs chorionidty
If you seperate the amnion and find chorion in between then irs two chorion. Dichorionic if you cabt find chorion, then probably one Placenta.
Have. To mig up. But mug up using logic and understanding and common sense first.
Use logic etc to understand well so mugging uo becomes easier
Prppvl3ms of sharing Placenta 1. One twin can get more of the Placenta while tye other can get less 2. Vascular anatssonises can nake it inefficient
Renal failure in donar twin because like shock... Renal sustem shuts down firrst!
First twin is the presenting twin..
If the first twin is breech then it can cause entanglements especially head into something and cause distress that way.
Internal podalloc version... Internal as in putting hands jnsiide and not externally... Poddalix because will catch by feet and put inti breech.. The only indication is when the 2nd twin is transverse lie with feet facing you. Then catch just pull the legs. Eveb if 2nd feed is breach still caan do. Vaginak delivery. So how come it doesnr matter in the case of 2nd twin. Its akways vaginak as long as first is vertex? Why cant that be the case in single ton pregnancies tooo. Because in twin after first twin is sent off tuen the vagina is all streched etx abd its very easy for the 2nd rwin to bass. So breacj doeesnt matter. Even transverse is turned into breach by internal podallic version. And delivered easy.
In labour for twins... There is a moment of relaxation after the firrst labour... Whrn the next second stage begins. Relaxation and then again it starts. Can use this window to do internal podalic version as the utetus is relaxed. Should ideally do this only if the utetus is relaxed. Sometimes there are complications and end up getting a cs which is bad since one vaginao and one ceasarian!
Sone obsgyn does cs if twin 2 is tranverse but actually vaginally if tein 1 is cephalic. For exam ourposes mustn't tell cs bur vaginal
First non vertex => ceasarian
First vertex => vaginal
Bno matter what presentation tein 2 is
Thus js all only for all twins in DA.. But different in MA.

Deepal - multiple pregnancy in labour