Acute Leukemia
(not important>)
remission maintainance may go upto 3 years
Chronic Myelogenous Leukemia
Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia
commonest leukemia
65-70 years
myeloproliferative + MDS?
Short cases leukemia ⇒ liver and lymphnodes
Long case pead ⇒ fever with lymphadenopathy
Short case Medicine
Long cases based on this :
- Fever with lymphadenopathy pead case
- Fever with lmphadenopathy medicine case
- Myeloproliferative case medicine
————————- Notes written down during lecture
go trhough pathology of leukemia first and refresh and then do
some clinical features are specific and more in partiucar types of leukemia
detection of WHBs shows high but actualy low because normal has low
Low neutrophils but high monocyte because the machine detects wrongl so it shows as high but actualy low
FNAC + trephine biospy (;will show picture of marrow)
Must be able to spot diagnosis lekemia in a paed patient by the features
Must look at the oral cavity and see
CML philadelphia chromosome translotaon BRC gene 22 + ABL gene 9
Acute b cell leukemias are more common than t
Must make theory and case for leukemia in pead and medicine
Leukemia theory + case for paed and medicine
CLL only treated if symptomatic
Hydroxyurea suppress the count ...hyperviscocities syndrome so need to control the count
Drug of choice haematinic
assess egentic abnormalities in blood sample
Treat until philadelphia zero and then for further 2 years
All 4 leukemias prinicple management is bleeding and infection
induction, consolitaton, maintainance and to prevent relapse
different chemotherapeutics agents for different stages
Simplify, understand and do leukemias
MCqs and stuff start and see...
transfusion related comlication
- irradiated blood and blood products
Vaccines to prevent
PRophylactic antibitoics for suspected and vulnerable patients till achive remission need to give prophylaxis
supportive measures + definitive management