Labour Normal


Maternal pelvis
Pelvic assessment :
Process of pelvic assessment? 7
When is the assessment done?
4 types of pelvis?
Android pelvis characteristics? 6

transverse diameter = ileopectineal line farthest point
sarco iliac to iliopuboc eminense = oblique

Fetus skull
beparietal = between parietal eminsnese
bi temporal = furthest point of the coronal suture
bimastoid = 7cm smallest diamater that cannot be compressed further.

Normal atutude of the fetus is that of flexion

Molding = compression of the presenting diameter and elongation of the perpendicular diameter

Bones are the parietal bones and grades examined during pv

Mechanism of normal labour

mechanism in normal

Can only determine fetal position after complete per abdominal and per vaginal. Per abdominal can give its LO but the last letter need to do per vaginal and feel for the parietal suture and bregma.

can palpate when membranes intact or when broken. When broken much easier to palpate....must not palpate when the membranes are tensed as in uterine contraction!!

Cardinal steps of labour

To determine whether its sinciput or occiput got to compair with relation to the side where the back is felt...thats occiput!
If pelvic brim thin, then engagement wont happen easily

2 reasons why its the occiput that internally rotates 1. the muscles of the levator ani favours this 2. its the occiput that lands on the pelvic floor first
Then occiput lies behind pubic symphysis
the shoulder after 1/8 rotation lies in the oblique diameter
And then the head is delivered by extension, but still 1/8 tension maintained
Then the tension is relieved
But the the shoulders internally rotate to come behind the pubic symphysis
which is seen as enternal rotation of the head to lie in the same starting LOT set up
HEad rotates with the external rotation of the shoulder..same same and not relative
Occiput always come to lie behin d pubic symphysis irregardless of fetal position
So internal rotation is a very important step
If ROT lie then at the end will also return to the ROT head position.

For other positions - can work out the same LOA ...similar movement so that when delivery it delivers the same way - but keep in mind that neck can only take 1/8 tension. not more.
Labour in ROP position

why right more than left?
Malpositions freqnecy in primi gravida and multipara?
Causes of ROP?
Malposition vs malpresetation
Presentation in ROP?
Causes of ROP?
Clinical diagnosis of ROP position? 3 parts?
Where FHS heard in other positions?
Mechanism of labour in ROP position?
Favourable outcomes in?
Usual mechanisms?
When unfavourabke outcomes? 4
3 unfavourable outcomes?
outcomes in delivery? when intrumental and when ceasarian?
3rd out come?
Delivery only in?
How delivery?
Adverse effect?
Labour analgesia