Fatty liver disease
metabolic syndrome ( Insulin resistance syndrome / syndrome X)
BMI is Measure of obesity
BMI = weight in Kg/ (Height in meters ) ^2
Ideal BMI < 25
25-30 Overweight
> 30 obese
Obesity is a risk factor for
- Fatty liver disease with steatosis, ( Nonalcoholic Steatohepatosis )
- cardiovascular diseases (mainly heart disease, hypertension and stroke)
- Type 2 diabetes
- musculoskeletal disorders (especially osteoarthritis)
- some cancers (including endometrial, breast, ovarian, prostate, liver, gallbladder, kidney, and colon)
- Sleep apnoea syndrome
- Chronic kidney disease
Correction of obesity
Behavior Therapy
u limit energy intake from total fats and sugars;
uincrease consumption of fruit and vegetables, as well as legumes, whole grains and nuts
uengage in regular physical activity
u60 minutes a day for children and 150 minutes spread through the week for adults
uSibutramine â an appetite suppressant that works by blocking reuptake of serotonin and norepinephrine
uOrlistat - Pancreatic lipase inhibitor that blocks the absorption of up to one third of ingested fat. Metformin? ADHHD drugs?
Fatty Liver Disease
- Hepatic Steatosis
- Steatohepatitis
- Fibrosis
- Cirrhosis

Fatty Liver disease is
strongly associated with
- overweight or obesity 80%
- dyslipidemia 72%
- type 2 diabetes mellitus 44%
- shift work and travel that perturb normal feeding and sleepâwake cycles promote ( disrupt circadian rhythms )
- the metabolic syndrome
- Is the hepatic correlate of the metabolic syndrome
Course and prognosis
- Nonalcoholic steatohepatitis is a dynamic condition
- regress to isolated steatosis
- smolder at a relatively constant level of activity
- progressive fibrosis that leads to cirrhosis (F4 fibrosis)
Ăno fibrosis [F0]
Ăportal fibrosis without septa [F1]
Ăportal fibrosis with few septa [F2]
Ăbridging septa between central and portal veins [F3]
Ăcirrhosis [F4])
- Manage as for metabolic syndrome
Adjunctive therapy
- vitamin E
- pioglitazone, an insulin-sensitizing agent with antiinflammatory actions, might also be considered.
Metabolic Syndrome
The deadly quartet
- abdominal obesity
- hyperglycemia
- Dyslipidemia
- hypertension
Criteria - presence of any 3 of the following

International DIabetes Federation (2006)
Increased waist circumference, with ethnic-specific waist circumference cut off-points ( table 2 )
- PLUS any two of 2-6 in previous classification

Major risk factors 1
- weight is a major risk factor for the
metabolic syndrome
u 5 percent of those at normal weight
u22 percent of those who are overweight
u60 percent of those who are obese
u10% of women and 15% of men with normal glucose tolerance
u42% and 64% of those with impaired fasting glucose
u80% with type 2 diabetes but the converse is not necessarily true
upostmenopausal status
uphysical inactivity
upoor cardiorespiratory fitness
ulow household income
uhigh carbohydrate diet
usoft drink consumption
Clinical implications
The metabolic syndrome is an important risk factor for subsequent development of
- Type 2 diabetes ( 10 fold Increase )
- CVD( 2 fold ) Framingham study
Treat underlying causes
- overweight/obesity and physical inactivity
- Treat cardiovascular risk factors if they persist despite lifestyle modification.
- exercise
Treat insulin resistance with drugs that enhance insulin action
- Metformin
- Thiazolidinediones
- Rich in
fruits, vegetables, nuts, whole grains, and olive oil
- Low in
salt < 2.4g / day
carbohydrates and refined grains
Drug therapy
uIf diabetes or impaired glucose tolerance is present
- Metformin 850 mg twice daily
uIn nondiabetics with metabolic syndrome
- Intensive life style modification
- Metformin /Â thaizolidionediones
Dyslipidaemia - Risk factors for CVD
- a continuous, graded relationship between the serum total plasma cholesterol concentration and coronary risk
- High concentrations of LDL are a particularly important risk factor for atherosclerosis
- A low level of high density lipoprotein (HDL) is another important risk factor for atherosclerosis
- Total cholesterol to HDL ratio âtotal cholesterol (or LDL-cholesterol) to HDL-cholesterol (HDL-C) ratio may have greater predictive value for CHD than serum total or LDL-cholesterol
- Hypertriglyceridemia is associated with an increased risk for cardiovascular disease.
- Lipoprotein(a) â Lipoprotein (a), also called Lp(a), is an independent risk factor for CHD.
Categorisation of dyslipidaemia?
Familial dyslipidaemia
Familial hypercholesterolemia â
- high LDL-C level from birth,
- tendon xanthomata,
- early onset CHD in the absence of other CHD risk factors.
- autosomal dominant disorder caused by defects in the gene
Dietary Modification

- Statins (sim, atorva, rosu)
- Fibrates
- PSCK9 inhibitors

- place for plaque stabilisation effect in high doses
- muscle pain?
- less than 3 times rise of transaminases (as long as that can continue use)
PCSK9 inhibitors


ASCVD - atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease
Any form of IHD
Stable angina
Unstable angina
Coronary artery stenosis > 50
Stroke in evolution
Cerebral artery stenosis > 50%
Aortic aneurysm
Peripheral arterial disease
Primary Prevention of ASCVD
Treat to target
- Non diabetics
uTotal Cholesterol < 200 mg%
uLDL < 100 mg%
- Diabetics
uTotal Cholesterol < 170 mg%
uLDL < 70 mg %

Intensity of statin therapy
uLow intensity Statin Therapy
uDaily dose lowers LDL-C, on average, by <30%.
uModerate intensity Statin Therapy
uDaily dose lowers LDL-C, on average, by 30%. 50 %
uHigh intensity Statin Therapy
uDaily dose lowers LDL-C, on average, by >50%.

ASCVD risk calculator
Lipid lowering drugs

1 stattins 2 fibrates (ppar alpha) 3 PCSk9 inhibotrs 4. exetimibde 5 orlistat 6 cod oiver oil
Surgeries for obesity.. Gastric bypass lipot
No need to know histopathology classification of fatty disease
Metabolos syndrome nothing to do with LDL
Diet helps with diabetis and metabolic but in dislioidemia not much so important place for pharm
Fibrates etc
Muscle pain can withdraw statin.
Statin induced nyopathy and renal failure
Statin especially acute stage of MI high dosages
Fibrates cn be used if only Tag high as more effect on this or as second choice
Can use combination but more incidence of ttansmainase increase and nyopathy
Other anti lipid drugs see pharmacology?
Simvastatin low ... And atorvastatin middle and high in Sri Lanka doses........
Saliva dry and out and whether sleep dry throat
Only way to increase HDL is by exercise...
Statin might reduce HDL also
But low HDL is an independent risk factor