aromatase enzyme action ?
and action inside the fat cells?
Whats the difference?
classical CAH presents in the neonatal period and non classical presents at around puberty

what about hyperthyrodism?
dif between hair- an and pcso? 1 hair-an causes much more servere hirtusim 2. hair-an doesnt have mentrual abnormalaties or US findings (juste hught androgens - so fulfil pcos criteria)
How hirtuism in normal andorgen levels? Its cause of skin sesnitivity.

the most common cause is PCOS so thats your primary suspect. Now the menstrual criteria isnt fulfilled...the androgen crtiteria can be fulfilled either clinically or biochemically. In this case fulfilled clinically. So its better nmext to do tvs to diagnose the most common cause and thats pcos..otherwise will still have to do tvs after testestoerone levels. Whether posittive or negative will anyway do tvs later on so rather d it anyway.
tvs can be done whether unmarried or not
in the below case nunlikey to be pcos becase regular cycles and all...

Because the tests only work well in fair skinned women and if they dont remove the hair often. so best way is the above way.

in PCOS, its mostly presents in younrg women....gradual onset....slowly slowly progressed...theres no virilism or severe hirsuitism and cycles become irregular at first.
Remember the standard clinical profiles of these diseases when answering so its easier!!!
cant be c because c presents in the young and cant be d because d is a diagnosis of exclusiom

- ocp
- spronlactone
- flutamide
- finasteride
- gnrh analog
Also symptomatic and cosmetic treatment can also be done.