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Ad = one in two AR = one in 4
for down's = the risk based on the karyptype if translocation or disjunction
Real risk for next oregancy after dsjucntion the risk for next is 2%. In trnaslozation the risk in the next 50%. Most old is disjucntion so just 2%. For heart defects ā‡’ need three generation pedigree chart, Based on the number of poeple affected and based on the epid data in the communities can determine risk.
eg phsizophrenia with pedigree chart need this. same for cleft palate or club foot.
emperic risk.
envrionmentally acquired genetic abnormality vs spina bifida
Option = just adopt or take the risk But other countries abortion makes it easier since go ahead and get regantn and can abort if defect and see -ā‡’ orenatal diagnosis and decisions ā‡’ if rich can go abroad.
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pedigree chart for dm, cycstic ulcers, cancers colon or breast cancers haemophilia ā‡’ factor 8 low
Duchene muscular dsytrophy ā‡’ CPK high ...and in medium high then carrier
thalassemia ā‡’ screening tests and see carriers
propehssional genetic counsellors ā‡’ genetists ā‡’ calculation based on data base
(((slide on the screening tests for 4 diseases to see carrier status)
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(will learn the above in obs)
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genetic heterogeneity (one thing can occur due to many disorders like heart disease)
Cretinism ā‡’ congentical athyrosos (poltgenic), iborn thryoid metalism error (autosmnal recessive) and then endemic goitre in the mother (environmental) Variable penetrance ā‡’ tuberous sclerosis (becase even wirh that can have different levels of penetrance) can impact calculations the can ipact risk asseemnt and even then cant predict Delayed onset ā‡’ huntingtons chorea ā‡’ progressive cerebral degenartion =< comes after 50 years life so didficult.
(prenatal only if there is intervention possible otherwise cause misery unless can mentally prepare)
ethical aspects of genetic testing ā‡’ only if there is a point in prevtnign and latering course ā‡’ cant just say for mentally prepare as can be mentally down later on
\screening if only something can be doe about it
counselling means explaining and showing options and then ads and disads and leave it there. Advicing means pushing to one directions.
gleasons score

ā€”ā€”ā€”ā€”ā€”ā€”ā€”ā€”ā€”ā€”- Notes made during lecture

genetic disorders and genetic counselling
dwarfism most dont survive pregnacy or early life
achondropalsai is the most common dwarfism that survives
Cerebral palsy
chromosomal abnormalatype = karyptype
genetic abnormalatiies = genetic studies
trisomies = non disjutnctions commonest cause = elderly but ransltcation or translocation
Autosomal or X linked
Patau most midline stuff
mentally backward
Xo/xx some cells xo and xx chromosomal lines different => so get mild phenotype => mosaicism mosciacism in downs as well
increased carring angle
cri du chat => partial chromosome disorders Fragile x chromosome and different partial chromosal abnormalities
Single gene disorders vs chromosomal disorders (monosomy or trisomomy)
singe gene => memdelian disorders
sickle cell trait vs scikle cell anemia
Mother carriers and sons affected maiin linked recessive
duchenne muscular dystrophy
female homopholia => homozygous (haem father marries a carrier mother) or turners syndrome 3. mosaaicsm 4 lyonisation How x lined recessive manifestating in women
automsomal recessive PKU
monogenics vs polygenics (multifactorial) eg: neural tube defect vs chromosomal Many of the congenitcal defects are polygenics multifactorial
Marfan's is single gene but can cause all sorts of deformations
Heart disease can be single gene (marfan),,, due to chomosomal (downs) but to polygenes (many congential malformations with enviornment effecrs) and then due to environment (like cogential rubella syndrome)
congentical malformation can be envrionmental or single gene or many gens ( alot are this) or chromosomal
IS it heredtary/familial or just one off mutation like thing?
chromosomal analysis of the parents of downs to see whether translocation or non idsjutnciton risk of non disjunction in subsequent stuff is 2% but in translation next baby 100%
prenatal diagnosis and then counselling and then prepare for baby
prenatal diagnosis and then going abroad
Abortion for only risk for mothers
beta thalssemia mediaterean anemia
high incidence for genetic disease => because of inbreeding amplifies it
recurrent abortion and still birth because genetic and chromosal abnoramlities
microcephaly with spastic cerebral palsy apgar 5 apgar 8 mild asphyxia at first minute birth aphsxia came to conclusion that microcephal and spastic cp with birth apshyxia good hpsital a nd this time foruth baby normal
aretaya yana leda => pshuzophrenia due to genetic so scared to give women marriage but not tb or leprosy