Diagnosis and classifciation

Diagnosis & Classification of Mental Disorders
Emil Kraepelin
German psychiatrist 1855 - 1926 ‘father of psychiatric nosology’ differentiated between bipolar disorder & schizophrenia
some definitions
devient - statistical, social, individual distress - personal suffering  disability - limitation of performance danger - self / others
Two classifications
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ICD10 Classification
F0 organic mental disorders
F1 mental & behaviour disorder due to substance use
F2 schizophrenia and delusional disorders
F3 mood disorders
F4 neurotic, stress related, somatoform disorders
F5 behavioural disorders associated with physiological disturbance & physical factors
F6 disorders of personality
F7 mental retardation
F8 disorders of psychological development
F9 behavioural & mental disorders in childhood & adolescence
DSM 5 classicationAxisAxis - 1 clinical disorders Axis - 2 personality disorders & mental retardation Axis - 3 physical disorders Axis - 4 psychosocial issues Axis - 5 functional level Axis - 1 deapressive episode Axis - 2 extremely sensitive Axis - 3 hypothyroid Axis - 4 traumatic childhood Axis - 5 work performance low
  • neurodevelopmental disorders
  • schizophrenia spectrum & other psychotic disorders
  • bipolar disorders
  • depressive disorders
  • anxiety disorders
  • obsessive-impulsive disorders
  • trauma & stressor related disorders
  • dissociative disorders
  • somatic symptom & related disorders
  • feeding & eating disorders
  • elimination disorders
  • sleep-wake disorders
  • sexual dysfunctions
  • gender dysphoria
  • disruptive, impulse control, & conduct disorders
  • substance-related & addictive disorders
  • neurocognitive disorders
  • personality disorders
  • paraphilic disorders
  • other mental disorders
  • medication induced movement disorders & other adverse effects of medication
  • other conditions that may be a focus of clinical attention
criticisms of DSM - 5
inter rater reliability is low authors had conflict of interest influence of drug industry
Research in this topic and add from other sources lie anuras way
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