

Effects of Diabetes to the foetus

Effect on the mother

Also complications due to increased operative delivery rate

Risk factors

Pre existing Diabetes

Screening for GDM




So 3 outcomes after pregnancy and approach to diabetic treatment?

Case management

First metformin then insulin!

Insulin/dextrose drip started and adjusted according to blood sugar level


Have to ask about insulin and compliance ⇒ from where taking? Storage? Know how to use? Where used? Dosages and making? Can she afford? Who gives insulin? Does she misses a dose?
Compliance? Does she know about hypoglycaemic symptoms and what to do? Has hypoglycemic symptoms ever occurred?
Refer to diabetes in medicine for this and types of insulin etc etc etc

Definition of GDM vs PIH. PIH is only pregnacy causing hypertesnion, so only if hypertension develops at 20 weeks of pregnancy...but GDM is diabetis detected at an time during pregnacy so 20-30% can be diabateis that was pre existsing so will be detected 6 weeks after pregancy via HBa1c or FBS
Still birth particular in 3rd semester in diabetes in pregancy is 3 times higher than the normal population
Pre eclampsia is increased 3 fold in women with diabetes
Low dose aspirin from 12 weeks gestation is used to reduce the risk of pre eclampsia
Diabetic retinotpathy is a dangerous sign and can be worsened during pregancy.
On insulin must walways ask about everything about insulin and hypoglycemic awareness
During second half of pregnancy the dosages of insulin and metformin has to be increased because of increased insulin resistance
A plan for pregnancy should be set out in early pregnancy and should include renal and retinal screening fetal surveillance and a plan for delivery
If ante Natal corticosteroids are indicated additional insulin therapy is required to maintain normal glycemia , often requiring inpatient admission
Cesarion section rate amongst diabetic women is as high as 50% because of the development of microsomia, preeclampsia and the increased rate of failed induction (low threshold)
Women should be informed of the increased risk of hypoglycemia in the post natal period.
Women from particular ethnic groups ever higher risk
Women who develop GDM are at a higher risk of type 2 diabetes in later life


In nihal's obsgyn long case book

Guidelines stuff ⇒


patient in labour