Dementia and elderly and case

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MDD cognitive loss they don't care and they will give reasons
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true dementia - will deny symptoms and more likely to fabricate
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rivastigmine is a patch
alzheimer is usually eight years from diagnosis to death
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pseudobulbar palsy - inappropriate random display of emotion - laughing or crying
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prions - only way to get it consumption of brain material - so in papua new guinea coz history of cannibalism
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vs vascular dementia is that here mood and personality changes will precede dementia
snout reflex - brush top of nose and they make that snouty face the babies make
HAART = highly affective antiretroviral therapy
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liver dysfuction
executive dementia - can't keep lists and all
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chronic alcoholics are malnourished coz high calorie low nutrients
can prrsernt with both - short term confabulations/memory loss ory in korsakoffs. Neurologic vs physiatric
if didn't administer thiamine but adminster dextrose or folate in chonic malnourished alcoholics then can precipitate subacute cobined degenration of the code
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Punch drunk syndrome as in mohammed Ali ⇒ multiple minute haemorrhages Also margaret thatcher and Ronald Reagan Public health priority by the WHO
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Also increased aging more people with dementia
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Alzeimers disease is the commonest cause of dementia
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Clinical Features

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Dementia vs delirium differences

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