Sources of infection: sinuses (mucomycosis in diabetes patients) , ears
Dangerous area of the face
Anatomical defect or after trauma - tear of dura, CSF rhinorrhea risk of infection
If CSF analysis delayed then don't delay therapy
"Meningism". Neck stiffness tell the patient first to flex the neck and not come about by lateral rotation. If lateral suff then either cervical spondylitis kind of thing or parkinsons
Opening pressure checked by manometer. Normal is 50 to 150. Very high amounts can be fungl or TB
Crypto - occupational risk factor (birds), very high opening pressure (300 and more)
Hib meningitis sensorineural loss complication
Microbilogy stuff →
Lumbar puncture → https://www.ebmconsult.com/articles/procedure-lumbar-puncture