
check the difference between the types of abortion based on the above... (uterus size, os) etc

the difference between incomplete abortion and threatened is that here more blood loss? more bigger? and can be more threatening?
can also check the anemia

and consel
and check other medical

do not send for ultrasond immediately....first confirm pregancy. reproductive age group with pv bleeding always confirm pregnancy byt 1. period of amenorrhea 2. hcg test strip
pv bleeding and abdominal apin in the re[orductive age grop, always think about pregnancy related complications first!

do all of the above before sending for ultra sound!!!

threatened can go into inevitable and inevitable can go into incomplete if severe.

guarding vs rigidity vs tenderness vs rebond tenderness

should be haemodynamically stable before sending ultrasound
septic abortion is a diagnosis that shouldbe made with a high degree of clinical suspicion.
high vaginal swabs for culure and abst (as PID can be a conseqcne of septic abortion ⇒ check PID note). but start empirical broad spectrum antibiotics even before that!

First trimester bleeding case