Child Abuse

Child abuse
Definition Types 7 When to suspect? 5 Who should take history? Symptoms pattern? Skeletal DD? Investigations? Multi sectoral management? How to admit? Levels of inteference? Different sectors involved? Procedure to be followed in paed ward? Who takes history from the victim? CCC? ICC? Particpation and roles? 3+ 14 Age of consent and marriage? Children under 14 years? Only for 3 ? 16 yrs?
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ice-berg phenomenon
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"non-accidental injury" - most common abuse, euphemism of physical child abuse - physical, chemical
neglect - common when active abuse is restrained (esp in west). sexual abuse (can be diagnosed) with family members in community -
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(for physical and chemical abuse)
history should be preferentially taken from SR or consultant to prevent development -
for diagnosis can consult judicial medical officer
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children - whole body skeletal survey - multiple green stick fractures at different stages of healing to the exclusion of other radiological features of osteogenesis imperfecta (brittle bone diseases)
shaken baby syndrome - SDH + retinal haemorrhages
cigarette burn
sexual abuse - assumed menarche or bleeding per rectum from trauma and bleeding
reflex anal dilatation - suggests but doesn't diagnose sexual abuse
somatisation due to stress or abuse
sudden onset unusual behaviours - eg sexualized behaviour
(inappropriate to sit on laps coz sexual stimulation to child or person)
children with sexually inappropriate behaviour - masturbation not necessarily
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Multidisciplinary so must ADMIT to make or break the diagnosis (false pretext or by care order by magistrate to transfer power of care from parents to social workers)
reduce re-traumatization - coz of stigma and mental
reintegrate to same families or foster homes
holistic - physical, emotional, social, psychological
sometimes legal not taken when it is against the interests - decision taken by police AND team
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JMO and paediatrician might jointly take history & examination (at least two should take)
INITIATLLY clinical case conference
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eye consultant, STD folk, gyn
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5 & 6 can be in conflict
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GP can be invited too
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final year medical student also
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during school hours cannot be employed even by parents
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MCQs and SEQs for child abuse but rare for long and short case but if suggestive can answer
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