Cervical. Insufficiency :
Fetud gets expulsed earlier and earlier as the cervix gets weaker eith every pregnancy
Firrst 6 monthd then 5 then 4
Characteristics of cervical insufficiency
Cervvical cerclage can be done upto 24 weeks. Must rule out any gca and aneuploidy so cant do very early. Atleast from 12th weej onwards so that can rule out gca via us and aneuploidy using some test by then. And to allow first trimester miscarriages if anny as gca and aneuploidy is the most conmon cause. But if T2 and heealthy fetus then not gca or aneuploidy and probably a cervical incompetence case.
Cerclagr is a risky procedure... Risk of. Prom.risk of infections... Bleeding amd trauma... So. Onoy do with BOTH BAD OBS HISTORY AMD SHORT CERVICAL PEMGTH
History indicated cerclqge and us indicated cercoage... Ideallly both
Short cervicap length itselfnid mot enough justification for cercoage.... Must have bad obs history.. But can give progesterone
Bad obs history itself is. Enough if its so-so bad
Short cervical length can be a normal. Finding