Cerebral palsy + case

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Ataxic and and not akinetic
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duskinetic or athetoid cerebral palsy
characteritisc feature of CP ⇒ scissor gait
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Associations of cerbreal palsy
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linkup aetiology with pathophysiology !!!!! What aetilogy with patho physiology?
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chorea is repetitive movement which isnt the same like dancing hands
athetosis is the same like snake like movements
dystonia = involuntary muscle contrzctions
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pseudobulbar palsy = when the neurones supplying the nuclie of the cranial nerves involved in dusarthria and dysphagia is damaged. unable to swallow so causes drooling of saliva which then cause siallorreha
Hypoventilation because neuromuscular deformitivy muscles m=pushing and so cannot cause the volume expansion
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tizanidine inhibits glutamate release
others fire GABA
glutamate is the ost common stiumant neurotransmitter!
botulinum inhibits ach
and dantrolene inhibits calcilum release
if oral baclofen fails...then they can try intrathecal ibaclofe injections
antihonlinergics try to re-establish the doapmine and ach balance
dorsal rhizotomy to reduce tone by cutting the sensory neurone.
main stay of treatment is MDT not medical or sirgica;!!
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