in incomlete os open and no cardiac acitivty and uterus smaller than period of congestion.
in inevitabe, os open, no cardiac activty and uterus is the same size of the pog
how to find out the size f the uterus in physical examintiom?
missed abortion is when an abortion happened previosly but was missed. its like late complete abortion. nowadays diagosed much sooner with ultrasond.

To call it a missed abortion the gas stational sack should be more than 25 mm and that's also called as an anembryonic pregnancy or blighted Ovum. if less than 25 millimeter then some of its is gone, then incomplete abortion. gestationa sack comes first and so must watch and wait whether theres an embryo.

if crl less thaan 5mm then incomplete?

Can be always chromosomal abnormalaties esp in older mothers
can be hormonal imbalance which can be tested eg ovarian hormones
can be cervical incompetence
can be uterine structre abnormalaties
mst most times its idiopathic and taught to be a dysfuctinn in implantation at the placental side etc

intraueterine death vs still birth vs abortion?

cannot do anything with parental chromosomal abnormalaties. and less percentage aslso.

APLA is generally more a causative reason than gteal chromosomal abnormalaties but points to note
1. apla is seen in the 2nd trimester abortions mainly 2 over 35 years of age, majority can be due to fetal chromosomal abnormalatiea.
must know the cause of abortion and the most likely cause changes with the situation. so choose accordingly.

testing for torch infection is not recommended because torch cause spontanous abortions ..the acute form.....cant get reinfected over and over again...
Parental karyotyping is an expensive test and only answers why because treatment with ivf and implanting viable fetus is expsensive and high failure rate.

thrombophilia has no correlation with abortion/
parental karyotype vs fetal karyotype

rememebr the tests as ABC as antiphospholipid

Missed abortion

cervical os and different types of abortion or miscarriage ?
compplete vs incomplete vs inevitable vs threatned vs missed vs molar pregancy
molar pregnancy is often misdiagnosed as missed.
miss vs incomplete vs threatened (cardiac acitivy and size criteria)
process of spontanos abotion has not become in missed

missed vs incomplee dd with the size criteria
mised vs threatened dd by cardiac acvitity...but with us missed abortion has been detected sooner and sooner...so how long to wait till we can say cardiac acitivity wont be found and then evacate contents?
can also be dd with the fetal pole (embryo fond inside the g sac) should have fetal pole with cardiac acticity.

the above diagnostic crteria is in pictures below:

first gs ac then yould sac with g sac then fetal pole
if size less then incomplete abortion and if cardiac acitivyt then threatened abortion

in here missed abortion or early pregnancy loss and blighted ovm and anembryonic pregnancy all refers to the same thing.

TVUS vs TAUS ..both almost same but vaginal can give better resolution. and better that way. better to see inside the uters

no evidence based medicine for the se of projesteroone in threatened abortiom
Bleeding in early pregnancy

6 wk = hens egg
12 wk =tennis ball
and then felt above the umbilicus. and then can judge based on SFH.
how to judge size of etrs based on clinical exam?
pain more than bleeding or painthat comes first think of ectopic.

for complete abortion and for threatened miscarriage must diagnos using ultrasohund. look for empty uterus and for cardiac activity.
for incomplere and inevitable, the clinical picture is glaringyl obvious and its all whats needed,

can also use curretage but its not preferred.
shock immdieate appraoch? secure wide bore canul lines, fluids, blood for investigations, blood for cross matcha nd transfuse them, bladder catherisation.

incomplete vs missed abortion?
incommplete vs molar? for molar the ultrasond would indicate a molar pregnancy.
In any and every case after evacuattage, the contents and prodcts of conception should be sent to histo path for identification. and report.
first dd by history
then next diagnosis by clinical
then by ultrasound
then by gross procedure
but ultimate diagnosis by histopath!!
spontaneous abortion and recurrent abortion have differnt causes based on the trimester. spontaneous cause for 1st and 2nd trimester is fetal genetic abnormalaties. for recurretn 2nd trimester is structral uterine abnormalaties...and for 1st trimester, its unnown cause.
also depends on the age of the mother and other aspects of the clinical profile as well.

Septic abortion

most common organisms are that of vagina
and then can ascend and infect other parts as well and even cause PID!!
incomplete abortion needs to be evacuated for this very reason

can be pus collection or abscess of tuboovarian origin

high vaginal swab can be taken at the time of pelvic examination
pevic exam = speculum and pv examination.
blood culture isnt done at the outset but only when severe and not responding to treatment then clture and abst.

ask amenoooreha in all rerodcitve age groups and do pelvic examaintion....always have high degree of clinical suspiciom