Breech delivery:
Type of breech can be diagnose by an ultra sound or by per vaginal exam if the os is open. Can feel whether buttocks only... Buttocks and feet.... Feet only....
Subocciputo frontal diameter..... Is the engaging diameter in breech.
Piper forceps is the best...
Mauricia villie second. Best...
All becausd if or venting pressure on neck and unsupported neck
Duhhsurs incision put in 10 aclock and 2 aclock and not 3 or 9, because cervical artery id there. So be careful.
Breech and leg usually delivers on its own but genetal traction can be given if breech nott developed on its own.
Pinard manoeuvre for frannk breech. Put pressure on popliteal fossa to automayucally flex frank breech.
External cephalic version:Grooss congenital anomaly = coommon finding in breechNear term because before that unstable lie and so if emergency during the producure can di ceasarian Memvraned intacct because this can be done near term... But menrbaned broken. 1 less liquor 2. Cord can prolapse. Channces of success is 6o-70% wheh all criteria are met. Contraindications to tocolytics? Contraindications to vaginal delivery!? Imlkrtant step is to lift the breech off rhe pelvis And then roatate slowly. Us nust tell you the locatoon of the back so can do forward roll and not backward roll to make sure neck id flexed all the time.
Fhr should be monitored foor 30 mins. In effect can get a post procedure CTG. Rh should be. Tested if all necessary preconditions satisfy. Rh negative mother eitth rh positive father. Then trdt kb and give necessary antibody prophylaxis. This is over and top of the routine prophylaxis given at 28 weeks and at birth to orrevent sensitization for further pregnancies

Breech delivery