phyllodes - benign, borderline or lagnant
Anatomy and Physiology


Risk factors

40 to 60 grey of rationation which is usually curative of another malignancy
long duration of breast feeding is protective

DCIS is premalignant so 100% but LCIS is not pre-malignant
OCP more than years, Meno more than 55, menarch less than 12
protective - less than 30 years pregnancy, multiparity, breastfeed more than 6 months,
Gail model - calculates risk from parameters, next 30 yeasr


Histology & Anatomy & Spread

valveless veins

Clinical Presentation

ductal hyperplasie

permeation or embolisation


USG vs mammoprahy
mammogaphy features

FNAC vs Biopsy

FNAC - only cells and not basement membrane, core biopsy - painful, more time
true cut is a brand name

non-palpable stuff also can be visualised
Bi-RATS classifications for mamo

started at age 35 for high risk


(metastatic screenings)


axillary node clearance - upto level 2, level 3 clearance can be done if nodes are hard and sus
sentinel node biopsy - nipple area complex area, dye, radiactive, frozen section biopsy within half hour, they do this first,
assume micromet when node positive

total vs nipple sparing

age - sensitivy is 90% only after 40 years for mamo therefore before 40 USG is recommended
USG - 70%
MRI - expensive every year, if young pt can afford it then breast conservation can be done, other hard for survelliance

Lateral - long
superior - short
skin - superficial
at east three dimensions need to be oriented by the house officer

sentinel node guided axillary sampling

lateral - posterior - medial

onco type genetic hifi stuff 40 genes
AI (letrozole, anatrazole, estemesasheevrf) at rish osteoporosis then bisphosphonates

neoadjuvant chemotherapy - chemotherapy before surgery


monthly for six months
six monthly till five years
yearly after that
Breast lump case

Surgery made easy case

Mastectmy post operative case

Post mastectomy case

Gynaecmastia case


Ariyathne 2



prep ladder
Prep Ladder