its a continuum of care

parity refers to the number of pregnancies (uterus) and not fetuses...that has crossed viabolity. 20 weeks.

check dating in pregnancy page as well for more info


palpate with the ulnar border of hand

at term will come down becaause head descents = so will descrease height but flank becomes full

palpate the fundus while bending legs while measure SFH after straigtening legs
before 24 weeks, can grossly find out by the idea of fundus height

CA can be seen by tvs around 5-6 weeks. By TA sonography by 6-7 weeks. Can be picked up by hand held doppler by 10 weeks and hear by stesths by 18-20nweeks. defieietly by 22.

urine nitrites test strip can be used to detect bacteriuria

if susceptible then can only counsel about avoiding getting rubella. nothing else can be done.

Obstrectic abdominal exam at term is different from thhose before term where some information wont be able to be elicited!!! Grips 1. fundal 2. latera; 3. one hand down 4 engagement

Dosages in routine and previous history?
must learn the sri lankan context for a below

folic acid for first trimester is for prevention of neural tube defects and later its for prevention of anemia. thats the prpose of folic acid supplemnetation in pregnancy
smoking ⇒ iugr
alcohol ⇒ fetal alcohol syndrome
sex doesnt need to be avoided unless theres bleeding or placentae preavia

how to advise to check for fetal movements?
from 32 weeks onwards choose a time where free - then left lateral position and then find out how much time it takes to note down 10 fetal movements ⇒ 10 movements should be felt within 12 hours

acid reflux should be treated by general dietary advice and stuff
eg;: ranitdine then tried after dietary changes
excessive nausea and vomitting treatment

domperidone not tried. even this and metochrlopramise has effect on the breast.. so try other drugs first

dont give vit D within 1st trimester

laxatives = prefer bulk forming laxatives
and haemorrhaids just conservatice treatment like ligocaine jelly

right side becaise ueterus is dextro roatated
postural type hpotension and blackouts...so avoid driving??

2 reasons why must lie in left lateral? aorta , dextro rotated terus and vena cava that side and increased placental blood flow.

itching in the palms and feet and head is a danger sign..but breast and chest its okay.
normal and abnormal pregnancy symptoms and how to manage them?
Gravid a is amount of timez got pregnant... So if miscarriage first time and now pregnant its not primi gravida!!!!!!! Its multipara eveb uf thrrss no living children or livd births
Multipara means have multiple times passed the period of viability. So can be multigravida but primi. Para
Early diagnosis of pregnancy

Antenatal care

General advice and minor disorders