Amnitoic fluid abnormalaties:
4 properties:
Osmolarity? Importance?
Ph? Importance?
Fcuntions? 4
Special point?
Colour of amniotic fluid? 6
Causes of green coloured amniotic fluid?
Story of meconium staining?
As a cause and as a consequence
Amount of amniotic fluid and changes with term? 4
Main sources of amniotic fluid? 5
Amount of fetal urine produced at term?
Regulation of amniotic fluid at term descriotion? 4
When does fetaal swallowing begin?
Does fetal memebrane secretes? What is fetal emmebranes?
How is amniotic flid measured and parameters involved?
Main cause?
Other causes? 3+4
Main cause of the determined causes?
Problems? chances of major anamolaly at bith?
Complications? 8
In relation to induction and ARM?
Problems with oligohudramnious?
If early onset oligohydramnious?
Congeinital diaphragmatic hernia can cause?

Abruptio found out by cloths behind plaventa5
Placenta prawvka and vasa orevaia as well
Imp9rtsncr of. Amjiotic5fluid oh.. To. Distinguish it from vaginak5dicharge
Meconium staining doesn't meNam fetal hypocianor distress... Can even be because of. Temporarily stuff.. So. Can monitor until fetal distress. But althiugh5it isnt5 a good indicator of fetal hypoxia it is a cause if its. Aoirated
Arm can be guven controlled with small pins so to avoid complications of polyjydramniois. Like aprution.


Oligo and polyhydramnious cannot e managed or cured. But the underlying conditions causig them and associated complications can be managed and minimised.

bladder extrophy exposes the bladder but doesnt change the urine output!!

A posterior urethral valve is an obstructing membrane in the posterior male urethra as a result of abnormal in utero development. It is the most common cause of bladder outlet obstruction in male newborns. The disorder varies in degree, with mild cases presenting late due to milder symptoms.